Class Action

Class action claims in Victoria

Victorians and indeed all Australians have the opportunity to pursue justice when they find they are part of a large group who have suffered personal injury or loss in similar or related circumstances. As a leading class action personal injury law firm in Melbourne, Arnold Thomas & Becker have the experience, expertise and proven track record to successfully represent Victorians.

Types of class actions in Australia

A lawsuit can be started where there are seven or more people seeking compensation and is conducted in the Federal or State Supreme Courts. Some examples of the types of actions which could be launched include:

  • Faulty products
  • Consumer rights
  • Adverse pharmaceutical side effects
  • Medical negligence
  • Institutional sexual abuse

Why should you join?

They say there is strength in numbers and when it comes to seeking compensation for damages suffered by a large group of people this is especially true. By creating a single case on behalf of a group of people each individual can take advantage of the collective power of that group. This reduces financial risk, saves time and lowers the potential cost for each member. The result is that individuals are able to collectively pursue claims for compensation where they may not have been able to if they acted alone.

Australia operates on an “opt-out” model which means you will automatically become part of the claim and be entitled to a settlement unless you opt-out. Not sure if you are included in an existing claim? Talk to our experts for a no-obligation, free assessment of your situation.

Finding the best class action lawyers in Melbourne

We pride ourselves on only acting for ordinary Australians rather than big companies and institutions. That’s how we’ve operated for over 50 years. Plus we are open-minded in relation to funding your class action without the necessity of engaging litigation funders who demand a percentage of any sum you are awarded.

So if you’re searching for a law firm we have offices in eight locations across Melbourne, give us a call today on 1300 333 300.

We have a proven track record and take on lawsuits other firms shy away from. Contact us today and discover what we can do for you.

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