Income Support & Loss of Earnings Benefits

The TAC can pay you income support if you are unable to work due to your injuries.

For the first 18 months following your accident, you may be entitled to Loss of Earnings (LOE) Benefits from the TAC. To be eligible for LOE Benefits, you must be considered an ‘earner’ by the TAC. This requirement is usually met if you were employed full time, part-time or casually or self-employed at the time of your accident. If you were unemployed, you may still be eligible for LOE Benefits.

In assessing your LOE Benefits, the TAC will consider your ‘pre-accident weekly earnings’. When this has been determined, the TAC may pay you income support at the rate of 80% of your pre-accident weekly earnings. As of July 2024, this amount cannot exceed $1,620 per week.

After the first 18 months following your accident, your entitlement to income support may continue as a Loss of Earnings.

Loss of Earnings Capacity Benefits (LOEC) are calculated by considering what your work capacity would have been if you were not injured in your accident. As of July 2024, this amount cannot exceed $1,410 per week. After 3 years, LOEC Benefits may only continue if you are assessed at 50% or more impaired.